Friday, September 16, 2011

Groupon ends Sept. 21

For those of you who purchased a Groupon back in March, the deal ends Sept. 21st.
As of today 273 out of almost 500 purchasers have redeemed their Groupon, and about half of those have used both treatments (the deal was for two treatments). So here's how we're going to deal with stragglers:

If you failed to use your Groupon by Sept. 21 (that's 6 months after purchase), we'll give you a $10 credit towards your first visit. That's equal to waiving our new patient fee, and what we made on the Groupon in total per individual purchase. From there, we're back to our usual $15 - $40 sliding scale (you pick what you pay).

If you used one of your treatments, but not the second one, we'll give you a $5 credit towards that second treatment.

If you are an existing patient, but didn't read the terms of the deal and didn't catch the 'New Patient Only' part we'll give you a $10 credit as well if you haven't come in by the 21st. We were telling people they could use one treatment but they had to give the other one away...but we're kind of running out of time on that front now.

We'll honor these terms until the end of the year.
Hope to see you soon.